Congrats to New Directions Housing Corporation on the GRRP award of $6.3 million!

Congrats to New Directions Housing Corporation on the GRRP award of $6.3 million! We are pleased to be part of this successful win!
On Thursday, February 22, 2024 the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) awarded $73.5 million in new loans and grants under the Green and Resilient Retrofit Program (GRRP) to support extensive energy efficiency and climate resilience renovations for low-income Americans.
“The Green and Resilient Retrofit Program ensures low-income individuals and families are not left out of the climate change conversation,” said HUD Secretary Marcia L. Fudge. “HUD wants these families to have better access to clean energy upgrades like solar panels and modern and efficient heating and cooling systems, so that they too can have resilient homes.”
We are pleased to announce, one of our current multifamily properties, Directions Apartments in Louisville, Kentucky was awarded $6.3 million from the “Leading Edge” grant. “What we’re so excited about is New Directions was awarded GRRP (Green and Resilient Retrofit Program) funding, which is a new grant from HUD that truly concentrates on making units more energy efficient,” said Bridgette Johnson, the chief operations officer of New Directions. (Torrellas, G. (2024, Mar. 28). *Nonprofit is awarded over $6 million to renovate affordable housing units*
Part of the grant funding will furnish the kitchens and bathrooms with new appliances. “This is renovating existing units to make them a better quality than they exist today,” said Mayor Craig Greenberg, D-Louisville. “That’s part of the plan is we need to make sure that folks that are having their rent subsidized also have high-quality units. It’s not just about affordability. It’s about safe and quality units of housing.”
The construction renovation of Directions Apartments is slated to begin this year.
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